Corporate Social Responsibility

Sakshi’s efforts towards creating a gender-just world flourish through collaborative partnerships. Our work with our partners remains centred on fostering an inclusive society that upholds justice and equality. Through shared vision and concerted efforts, Sakshi and our partners strive to make a meaningful impact by empowering individuals, providing lasting solutions and creating safe spaces. 

Sakshi’s programmes focus on Output & Outcomes to measure systemic change. Working with each other’s strengths and fostering a sense of shared responsibility can shift the focus to an outcome rather than an output.

By aligning corporate citizenship efforts with fundraising, Sakshi ensures that CSR programmes under I, III & V of Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 are strategic and sustainable. We aim to build a collaborative structure wherein CSR is upheld by building relationships between all the stakeholders.

  • Since its inception, Sakshi has worked towards formulating and enacting government policies to help bring the country closer to a space of equality for all. 

  • We are one of the very few organisations to focus on prevention rather than prohibition and redress and have successfully made 12,000+ homes a safe space.

  • We conduct several workshops in all the states and Union Territories of India. Our team extends its reach to diverse backgrounds and different parts of the country.

  • We follow a rights-based and participatory approach in programme design and implementation, with a collaborative working style. 

  • We use interactive materials like Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) to disseminate our message effectively. We provide an interactive learning environment through systems that improve online training and sensitisation workshops.

  • Sakshi’s creative communication vertical, SBOX, is dedicated to facilitating social and behavioural change through the dynamic flow of ideas and skills between various disciplines. Sakshi links multi-media engagement with face-to-face engagement and community-level activity, as being done through The Rakshin Project.

Why Partner with us?
