Implementing Partner
for WSAF by IDH
Women Safety Accelerator Fund (WSAF) Programme, an initiative by IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative, Ethical Tea Partnerships, Unilever, Tesco, Twinings, and Taylors, is a pathbreaking gender-transformative program that aims at creating awareness on Gender-Based Violence in agricultural value chains.
Sakshi implements this program for WSAF in 39 tea gardens of Darjeeling and 25 tea gardens in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Our goal is to accelerate the scale of the UN Women ‘Global Women’s Safety Framework in Rural Spaces’ which aims to ensure that ‘all women and girls are socially, economically, and politically empowered in rural spaces that are free from sexual harassment and other forms of violence’. We reach out to local NGOs and producers and combine their efforts and capacity to drive more sustainable, long-term shifts in women’s safety within the tea supply chain. We focus on promoting tangible and continuous improvements for the women workers in the Indian tea industry by:
Establishing multi-stakeholder engagement to support and sustain change in the tea gardens across India.
Using social arts and interactive training workshops to address gender-based violence in the tea estate communities.
Strengthening compliance with the PoSH Act by establishing Standard Operating Procedures on women's safety and violence against women and girls at the tea estate level.
By setting up a safe workplace, we subsequently reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and attract more women workers into the tea sector.
Current Numbers
Women Workers
Change Agents
Men Workers
Community Members